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Influencer Manager Nordics

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Har du erfarenhet av influencer strategy, brinner för att bygga relationer och är en god kommunikatör? Då är den här rollen nåt för dig!

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För frågor om tjänsten kontakta abergfeldt@celsius.com

Position: Influencer Manager Nordics
Reporting to: Head of Communications EMEA

As the Influencer Manager Nordics, you will be a valuable member of the Social and Influencer marketing team at CELSIUS. You are responsible for leading strategy, campaign management & performance, and relationship-building on behalf of the CELSIUS brand. In this role, responsibilities include day-to-day communication with talent and talent management, and community engagement to ensure relationships are maintained and KPIs are met. The ideal candidate will have a pulse on trending talent in the social and influencer space with an understanding of relevant platforms to leverage across organic and paid media.

The position will provide you with an opportunity to work cross-functionally alongside key marketing teams such as (but not limited to) Social, Events, Media, and Sports/Fitness within an accelerating brand while prioritizing the growth and success of the Influencer program.

This is an in-office, full-time position at the CELSIUS HQ in Stockholm, Sweden.